North Rosedale Park Civic Association Membership 2023

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North Rosedale Park Civic Association Membership 2023

from $20.00


The North Rosedale Park Civic Association (NRPCA) is a membership organization of current and former residents and businesses dedicated to preserving the neighborhood and enhancing residential quality of life.

By joining the North Rosedale Park Civic Association you can take advantage of numerous opportunities and stay up to date on the issues currently affecting the neighborhood. Annual Membership dues support the ongoing programs of the NRPCA and the operations of the Community House and Park. The stronger the membership, the greater the programs and services available for the neighborhood.

As a member, you’ll learn about unique ways that your neighbors are volunteering their time to help preserve and shape the future of North Rosedale Park!


Annual North Rosedale Park Civic Association membership dues help to support the work of our primarily volunteer-based organization. Your membership supports efforts such as:

  • The Rosedale Tattler, a bimonthly digital publication that features commmunity news and events

  • A variety of social events that promote a sense of community

  • Maintenance of the Community House and grounds

  • Community House rental discount

The cost of membership in the North Rosedale Park Civic Association for Park Residents is $75.00 per year, or $20 per quarter. Being a member of the NRPCA entitles you to all of the things listed above and makes you an owner and contributing member of the community.

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